Dear Shaded Viewers,
Photography month in Paris is well underway, and Vincent Fournier's opening last night in acte2galerie was the first exhibitionI've had the pleasure of attending. "Past Forward" is a collection of recent work from the French photographer and compromises of 5 bodies of work entitled "Space Project", "The Man Machine", "Tour Operator", "Brasilia" and "Post Natural History". I was drawn in by the panoramic scenes in the Space Project series. Cavernous, vast landscapes appear alien and otherworldly with figures wearing space suits exploring the areas. Confusing science fiction and science fact, the images exert an errie, subtle surrealism.
"Post Natural History" illustrates animals in a genetically modified age. The harmonious colours in these images are certainly pleasing to the eye, displayed in wooden frames with gold plated titles.
The exhibition is open until January 5th at acte2galerie.