Mario Canal: Cibeles

Dear Diane, dear shaded viewers,
Well, Madrid Fashion Week is here again, but not here where it used to be but here at the Retiro “God Bless the Center of Madrid” Park. It’s the best thing I can seay about this Internationam Fashion Week at the moment.
Now we don’t need to go as far as the airport to check out the shows and -as you know Diane- in this beautiful park there are a lot of clouds… Sun, trees, friends and clouds.
Excuse the fact that I won’t mention any of the shows: those I saw were terrible and those I didn’t, either: Can you believe that no less than three designers are trying to copy Courr

Mario Canal

Arts writer and art curator. Spaniard from Madrid with Parisian accent. Used to steal my sister's magazines but fashion is elsewhere now. It's something else. Trying to figure this out while putting new creative projects together.