Dear Shaded Viewers,
I would like to thank all of the artists that participated in the Amabie healing monster challenge. We need you to keep spreading your talents.
The votes are in, a big congratulations to the winner Jain Muskan, a student at Istituto Marangoni in Florence.
Thank you all again, I totally enjoyed your submissions.

Jain Muskan @istitutomarangoni_firenze #alwaysupportalent #IMFirenze #IMMilano

Miguel Villalobos



Steve Olson

@antoinkruk 3

Sala Lorenzo @istitutomarangoni_firenze #alwaysupportalent #IMFirenze #IMMilano

ka75240ka Kanako Nishioka

Robyn Berg

Davide Menapace @istitutomarangoni_firenze #alwaysupportalent #IMFirenze #IMMilano

Zurlo-Giulia @istitutomarangoni_firenze #alwaysupportalent #IMFirenze #IMMilano

XU YING YING@istitutomarangoni_firenze #alwaysupportalent #IMFirenze #IMMilano

CESANA MARTINA @istitutomarangoni_firenze #alwaysupportalent #IMFirenze #IMMilano

Cristina Sun @istitutomarangoni_firenze #alwaysupportalent #IMFirenze #IMMilano

Arianna Balducci @istitutomarangoni_firenze #alwaysupportalent #IMFirenze #IMMilano

Madhav Bahety @istitutomarangoni_firenze #alwaysupportalent #IMFirenze #IMMilano

@andrea.boccadoro @NABA

Guo yunjia @istitutomarangoni_firenze #alwaysupportalent #IMFirenze #IMMilano

Erika Dentello @NABA

Francescoimberti – @istitutomarangoni_firenze #alwaysupportalent #IMFirenze #IMMilano


Francesco Buongiovanni @istitutomarangoni_firenze #alwaysupportalent #IMFirenze #IMMilano

@qoolna @NABA

alessia spagnoli @x.alessiaspagnoli @NABA

未命名作品 6 Lin Xiao @NABA

Giorgia De Carne_just_gg @istitutomarangoni_firenze #alwaysupportalent #IMFirenze #IMMilano

Serena De Giovanetti – @NABA

aidanliuer @NABA



@Blejzca 3



@hellblinging 2


@touch.me.not.stasya @NABA


Margaux Coppola-Petit

@martinamorante_ @NABA

@gabrielemaurici_ @NABA


Alexis Quetzal







@alexandramas_artist 2


Antoine Kruk




@taller.de.mirellita _Mireya_Fabregas.




@AlexandraMas_artist 3



Giuseppe Galli @NABA



@sorochykateryna @NABA

Joe Foly

@antoine_kruk 1
Now it is your turn to vote on your favourite from the Amabie challenge. There were many more proposals, this is the short list, they came from professionals to students, each with their own vision of the healing monster. Deadline for votes is September 1st. Send your votes and state this is my vote for: with the name of the artist to diane@asvoff.com.
See you there,
Diane Pernet
A LEGENDARY FIGURE IN FASHION and a pioneer of blogging, Diane is a respected journalist, critic, curator and talent-hunter based in Paris. During her prolific career, she designed her own successful brand in New York, costume designer, photographer, and filmmaker.