Dear shaded viewers,
Knowing how much Diane loves Boudicca, it was an excitement for me to accompany her and Paulo Mariotti to meet Zowie Broach, the co-designer of the brand along with Brian Kirkby, and her sister Sarah. We spent such a good part of our afternoon there, I had the time to photograph almost all the pieces of the collection that the model was presenting one by one. I will leave you with pictures Paulo and Diane's favorite pieces, and of Zowie and Sarah.
Paulo had something for this shiny piece resembling a jerkin; Diane always notes that Boudiccas fit like soft armour.
Her personal favorite was still this looser blouse. I am not sure if she noticed it also existed in black, because it was with the transparent white that you could really see the quality of the fabric the efficiency of the cut.
Zowie Broach wasn't too fond of having her picture taken while she was explaining to Paolo the concept of her latest photography work, "Isolated moments from a cycle", but since she was wearing her own design we had to keep a trace of it.
Sarah Broach also modeled a few pieces for us, including this jacket that had some very nice detailing on the shoulders, in another version it came with a huge black rose on the right side.
The Bouddica showroom is open for one more day, at 71, rue de la fontaine au roi, Paris XI