Mind-bogglingly magnificent. Visually assualting. Terrifyingly hilarious. Blissfully insane… Just a few pathetic attempts at trying to put my experience from last night into words. Journalists all face 'writer's block' from time to time – especially those of us posing as fashion journalists of one sort or another (who, let's face it, are not collectively known as the brightest lights in the harbour). Nevertheless, we tend to muddle through it describing with words what really needs to be seen to be appreciated. But occasionally, there's really no point in even bothering with words at all…. Which is precisely how I feel now having watched Carnival for nearly 12 hours here in Rio de Janeiro last night until 6 AM. Overwhelming. Just the teensiest tiniest snapshot from my perspective after finishing my 'walk'…. We had excellent ringside seats for the rest of the first evening of the official parade (another again tonight until tomorrow morning). And the fashion mayhem on the streets is another parade entirely….
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