Dear Shaded Viewers,
Wish that I had taken photos but….I did not.
Jenny Haniver by Camille Vivier
The jury prize was presented by France Culture’s Laurent Goumarre and awarded to Camille Vivier for her film Jenny Haniver.
I do not have stills, but…The prize for best direction and art direction went to Jeremy Scott for Video Look Book
Special Mention went to Peter Jensen’s for his film The Screen Tests of Peter Jensen.
Tomorrow the international selection will be shown again at 15h followed by two films by Madeleine Czigler, Masters of Style with Tim Blanks interviewing John Galliano and Alexander McQueen.
David Weissman will screen his film The Cockettes at 19h.
Director of the Cockettes, David Weissman and THierry Cosson, Madeleine Czigler, director of the two Masters of Style films screened tomorrow afternoon, Miguel Villalobos and Graham Tabor at the after party.
Rene Habermacher, Antoine Asseraf and our trophy maker, Anna Brun .