Dear Shaded Viewers,
The first time that i saw Marios work was when he presented with Fashion East. White has chosen to give three designers a massive space to present their work for one entire day. The first was Jens Laugesen followed by Marios Schwab and then Richard Nicoll today.
Beniamino had some work to finish up so we passed by his lovely apartment and this time I could see the daytime view. Quite impressive.
Then it was off to the office of Tommaso Marini at I showed him excerpts of You Wear it Well.
Then it was off to interview this month’s IQON, Maria Luisa, who by the way had very nice things to say about Marios.
After the interview Maria Luisa joined me for dinner at Andreina Longhi’s office Attila & Co. I might add that it is a very beautiful , spacious 3 or maybe 4 floors in a hotel particular facing a park. The ceiling alone was beyond beautiful. Because we arrived late I did not take that many images. For one, I should have photographed the food. Andreina admits to having the best chef in Milan and I have a feeling that she is right. The first course was finely wrapped in gold and was delicious, as was the rest of the meal. Perfection I would say and happily I was seated between Beniamino and Max. So, I missed the photos of the food but I did take a few images of Andreina’s office. She has a collection of photographs of powerful women.
The game was to guess who these beautiful eyes belong to.
Leaving Andreina Longhi’s office Ben, Raf and in the middle, Andreina Longhi
Next stop the IQONS party.
Later, Diane