Watch the last video first to follow the right order about Nicholas Cage and the casting of Wesley Snipes for 'One Night Stand'. Mike Figgis cast Nicholas Cage in Leaving Las Vegas when his career was on the skids. Paramount Pictures had told Mike Figgis under no circustance cast Nicholas Cage in Leaving Las Vegas. Cage won the Oscar for Best Acting in Leaving Las Vegas then when Mike was making his film 'One Night Stand' Nicholas was nolonger available to him, it was 'talk to my agent' … Anyway Mike decided that after being refused by Nicholas and Sean Penn he asked Wesley Snipes to play the role He told him quite honestly that he'd written the part for Cage but Cage refused and that he was not going to change the character for Wesley because now he was black and not white as originally conceived. Snipes was happy about that but told Mike that there would be a lighting problem because if Mike lit the scene for Nastassja Kinski then Snipes would just become eyes and teeth and if he lit it for Nastassja Kinski she would be overexposed and all white…Mike came up with a special lighting that worked for both. It's a great story… BTW the first picture that Cage signed up for after Leaving Las Vegas was a Paramount picture….