Earthly elements with a touch of Cher at Balmain PFW SS 23 by Leticia Dare


Dear Shaded Viewers,


There is always something about a Balmain show that brings this overwhelming rush of emotions and last night felt like a religious experience with the culmination of Cher appearing from a warm golden light to close the show. From heaven to Earth, like the process of the creation of time the journey began. Looking to organic elements from the land, a push towards sustainability and in the end the destruction we now face with climate change, through 100+ looks Rousteing told his story with great depth. You can feel how much of his heart and soul he puts into his work and how much it mirrors where he is at personally in life. Tonight, at Balmain PFW SS 23 he’s thoughts were poised around the current state of the world and what a brilliant job he did reflecting these. Using unusual materials of paper, banana, crochet, and wicker as well as detailed renaissance and fire digital prints to help bring the vision to life. Knotted, pleated, twisted, draped and almost caveman like at times with exposed raw stitching, the collection was unlike any other previous season. The attention to detail especially within the leather work must be noted. The sheer power and magnitude of the world that is Balmain is beyond impressive with an industry and VIP crowd of 1000 and an extra 6000 members of the public in attendance the show was the third instalment of the Balmain Festival.





Leticia Dare

Leticia Dare is the Fashion Director for ASVOF.