Ana Locking at MBMFW

Dear Diane, dear Shaded Viewers,

Even if I’m recovering from a bad cold, I always have the energy to hit an Ana Locking collection. And gladly did so.

Before “The Dreamer” show started the speakers diffused Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. legendary speeches and once the lights came on, the sculpture of a gold fist gave way to a high energy, perfect toned, chic collection.

I must admit that at first I was conquered by it and then I started to have second thoughts and to find difficult to grasp the traditional opposition of fashion vs. political, but I just kept my eyes opened trying to find the point that Ana Locking was trying to make -as she always rightly does- and then found the solution in a subtle but constant accessorize: the garter or suspender belt.

The models were sophisticated spies ready to seduce and kill the enemy infiltrating the social salons and using the weapons they know best: sex. Then, appeared another accessorize that was brutally slick and elegant, the forensic gloves in different colors that conveyed the merciless those cruel chics were ready to apply.

Best thing of a collection is to visualize the story it tells, and this show by Ana Locking filled my head with images…

As she mentioned in a statement, “The Dreamer” is the last part of a trilogy that started with “Antihero” and continued with “The Thinker”, three collections through which she’s been able to address the people who dare to think different, be different and resist the pessimism and limitations in order to achieve the Utopia of true freedom.



Mario Canal.

Mario Canal

Arts writer and art curator. Spaniard from Madrid with Parisian accent. Used to steal my sister's magazines but fashion is elsewhere now. It's something else. Trying to figure this out while putting new creative projects together.