Sark Studio SS16

Dear Diane and Shaded Viewers, 

Despite growing up in the same city as this brand, I only discovered it this season in Paris. Designer Theresa Jackson created SARK Studio 6 years ago in Sydney, Australia, however she’s been designing clothing since the late seventies. There was a big break in there for costume design and ‘being a mum,’ though Jackson’s hiatus is over, and thank heavens! Her garments are all made Sydney, and often with found fabrics.

With an inclination for patchwork, abstruse pattern-cutting and looser silhouettes, though always recognising a women’s form is underneath, and a working woman no less, SARK Studio creates something that’s “not too flippant but relatively whimsical.” I have to say, it’s distinctly not Sydney, as there’s no print or swimsuit in sight, though there is an ease about the clothing that reminds me of home. The studio’s imagery and colour usage also has something distinctly earthy about it; the kind of earth you only find in Australia, however, and so a wonderful standout in Paris.

Happy Friday, 




Sophie Joy Wright
