Dear Shaded Viewers,
Potamkin Enterprises will be presenting Cosmo Gonik: Sacro from September 8 – November 7th at Three Squares Studio (444 West 17th Street). Cosmo was born in Chile and has been living in Paris for the past 13 years. Gonik has employed various art forms to investigate his search for a hidden knowledge using acting, performance, direction, sculpute and jewelry in his pursuit.
His work has been based on bones, creating new skeletons and structures, imagining they belong to mythological beings like chimeras.
"I have always preferred Mythology to History because History is made up of truths that later become lies and Mythology is made up of lies that later become truths." – Jean Cocteau.
Gonik grew up in the north of Chile and that got him interested in land art made by nature. He collected bones and began creating sculptures from the material. He works with bronze, silver, and resin and derives inspiration from the Mexican Huicholes culture, he consecrates what he calls "dead objects" in a new way. He then transforms the neglected and forgotten objects into object trouves with new lives and souls. They become amulets or holy objects that offer protection and connection to the viewer or wearer.
Three Squares Studio
444 West 17th Street
917 847 3384
press contact: Amani Olu/Olu PR
Photos of Cosmo Gonik with his scepters are by Samuel Guerrier