Dear Shaded Viewers,
Tonight was the competition for the Prix de la Critique d'Art by AICA. Ten art critics were invited to present the artist of their choice, the format or the presentation was inspired by the principe of Pecha Kucha. Each critic had 6 minutes and 40 seconds and could show 20 images. Thus allowing the public at large to discover many works of art that had not yet obtained the merit that they deserve.
Les critiques d'art nomine(e)s: Dominique Absensour, Paul Ardenne, Lea Bismuth, Laurent Buffet, Isabelle De Maison Rouge, Marianne Derrien, Francoise Docquiert, Marc Lenot, Bernard Marcade, Mathilde Romanand the bureau of AICA France, Raphael Cuir, President, Elisabeth Couturier, Secretary General, Marc Partouche, Treasurer. Klaus Speidel won the AICA 2015 Prize, he is a Doctor of philosophy of art and artist and theoricien. He has published a number of articles on modern and contemporary art in art magazines and scientific reviews. In June 2014 he curated the exhibition Le Recouvrement.
The program was conceived by AICA France and the international jury presided over by Eva Wittocx, included Sophie Allgardh, Marek Bartelik, Jesus-Pedro Lorente, Pilar Parcerisas, Daniele Perrier, Philippe Regnier, Belgica Rodriguez, Elisa Rusca and Andrzej Szczerski.