Dear Diane & Shaded Viewers,
Wake the Fish is a costume & dance show located in Samara, Russia. The show was founded by two young designers -Ekaterina Khorina and Irina Gromyko on summer 2012.Costume show Wake the Fish is an atmospheric performance art that combines spectacular design that is based on modern technology and choreography that appeals to the latest trends in art of dancing. Authors of the project avoid any frames and find material for their ideas in almost everything that surrounds them for instance in architecture, origami, human anatomy, literary and cinematic images, musical experiments, etc. The natural geometry of the living nature is of particular interest to the authors such as rare species of plants, birds, fish and insects with their fanciful colors and outlines.The project was originally conceived as a combination of art and costume design of modern choreography. The authors see the choreography in the styles of contemporary dance and jazz modern as the key to more complete disclosure of costume ideas and try to make dance numbers that will tell the audience some story that not necessarily have utterance.Action of the show Wake the Fish is a surreal mystery, harmony of the two continents of human consciousness and spontaneity of wildlife.
Vito Montedoro