In Henrik Vibskov's shop with the team from CPH:DOX
Dear Shaded Viewers,
I must admit that yesterday did not start out very well, in fact it was a dismal beginning. I went to CdG to catch my flight to Copenhagen in order to participate in CPH: DOX, one of the most celebrated documentary film festivals. More on that later and hopefully after I see the documentary The Act of Killing and have my little sofa talk at CPH: DOX with Henrik Vibskov. Back to the airport, I am, by the way, in the ADP, airport de Paris magazine, I walk silently through the metal detector but facing me is a big, mean, woman that hates me on site. Mind you, I am not wearing any spiders, or metal of any kind, even plastic hair pins, no bells ring but she decides I'm going to have to take my hair down and she would like it to be on the floor, I told her a little discretion and behind a curtain could be nice. After that total humiliation I visit a newsstand where I see a wonderful article on ASVOFF and fashion film in M Le Monde, posted it yesterday and the little blog piece in ADP. Well, M made me happy although I was still shaking from disgust of that lovely woman. I find my seat is in the middle which I hate and then arrive in my hotel and see the smallest bed ever, have not slept in one this size since I was a teen living with my family. Let's just say the day did not begin with a smile. I've been receiving texts from my friend Henrik to see when I was coming and if I had a full schedule, Henrik is my full schedule and lucky I am to have him. After much waiting around not due to Henrik nor I, the festival organizers picked me up and took me to Henrik's shop and that is where my day really begins. Henrik took me to a gallery opening at V1 Gallery PRAESENTERER The Hunger by artist Anika Lori.
More later, it gets better but I have to get dressed before I miss breakfast, God only knows what that will be like….