Stefan Siegel aka NJAL and Nunzia Garoffolo
Dear Shaded Viewers,
Now for the real reason why we are all here. The jury met with the 17 designers in competition for the prizes. The show is coming up in less than an hour so I'll just post a few images of our day.
Before we met the designers there was a dress rehersal. Robb Young, Nunzia Garoffolo and Massimo Casagrande
Maka Kakashvili
Maka Kakashvili books were being passed around at the same time
Lasha Devdariani with silver model and to his right in yellow is the designer Maka Kakashvili
Carol de Bona, Vendome, Zuleika and Martine Adrien
Never too many photos of Catherine Baba, she is glamour personified.
I cannot believe this I got a sunburn sitting in my room in front of the computer writing to you….
Lunch break, more to follow.