Kelly Cutrone’s new book, “Normal Gets You Nowhere”


Dear Shaded Viewers,

There's just no stopping Kelly Cutrone, founder of NYC and LA-based PR company People's Revolution and reality TV star. She's a Hindu goddess who walks among us, flying her freak flag and dispensing her streetwise wisdom to young and old the world over.

As a follow-up to her mega New York Time's bestseller, "If You Have to Cry, Go Outside," Kelly's new book, "Normal Gets You Nowhere," (HarperOne) is bursting with her trademark punk-rock spiritual fierce philosophy and indispensable advice for anyone starting out in the world, new grads, dreamers and those who might just need a dose of Kelly to push them forward.

Last month I was lucky enough to have Kelly read aloud her book's opening salvo to me; a blistering attack on the destructiveness and emptiness of capitalism and the thousands of choices it offers us. The passage serves as a wake-up call to the millions of Americans who have allowed themselves to be anesthetized by the relentless and hypnotic siren song of soul-less consumerism. 

"In the words of Pink Floyd, we've become 'comfortably numb.' While horrible things happen all over the world, we spend a lot of our time deciding, Hmmmm, should I get the Honey Nut Cheerios or the organic almond Kashi granola? Should I buy a boyfriend jean or a skinny jean? Should I watch HBO or TiVo? Let's face it, we are in a capitalistically overwhelmed state. And this is no accident. While you're in the grocery store or the Gap deciding what to eat and what to wear, there are lobbyists and politicians in Washingtong passing bills that you know nothing about. They might be limiting your rights at the airport, in an abortion clinic, or at a gay pride parade. But you wouldn't know because you're wondering whether your cereal has antioxidant powers or if that new pair of jeans will get you fucked."

Well put, my revolutionary sister.


Glenn Belverio


My Hipstamatic portrait of Kelly in her home right after the release of her first book in March 2010


Kelly and Diane taping a segment for MTV in Kelly's bed, March 2010


Glenn Belverio

Glenn Belverio is a writer and New Yorker. He has been reporting for ASVOF since 2005 and currently works at The Museum of Modern Art as the Content Manager for MoMA Design Store.