Everyone in Antwerp multi tasks (at least everyone I know). I photographed Dan Thawley (journalist,editor, www.danthescout.com) wearing a scarf knit by Ninette Murk herself (founder of Designers Against Aids) for Knitting Against Aids. This project will go live in Antwerp and on line everywhere in the last week of November to benefit DAA, Het Roze Huis and Sensoa. We need more hand knit scarves. Please knit and send! As my friend, Chi Chi Valenti, the multi tasking New York night life impresario says, "If you want something done, ask a busy person".
For details please go to www.designersagainstaids.com or www.hetrozehuis.com
Michael James O'Brien
Photograph of Dan Thawley for Knitting Against aids, antwerp .09.09