The real cherry blossoms From the mobile phone of Akiko Hamaoka
Marco de Rivera gives news on a Kimono Exhibition celebrating the 150th anniversary of Franco-Japonese Relations from May 16th to July 16th at the Trianon du Parc de Bagatelle. The gardens of the Bagatelle in the Bois de Boulogne have a lovely history, their flowers were orchestrated by Marie-Antoinette and the Compte d’Artois, this makes for the perfect setting for the exhibition of ancient and contemporary kimonas.
– wedding kimono from 19th century with cherry and peony flowers (satin de soie)
– contemporary kimono with branches from Junko Koshino
The kimonos are from the Museum of Costume of Bunka Gakuen created in 1979 by the group Bunka Gakuen founded in 1923.
Press: Christine BLANC 0148049357