Dear Shaded Viewers,
Francoise Auget in her shop Rag Time. Francois loves cats so much here she actually looks like one.
Two years ago the Expert Francoise Auget put together La Creation en Liberte – the Universe of Paul and Denise Paul Poiret dating from 1905 – 1928. The preview for the sale held at the auction house, Drouot-Richelieu was at one of Francoise’ dearest friends, Chez Azzadine Alaia, I am happy to say that I was there. The Metropolitan Museum of NY purchased some of the most important pieces for their exhibition on Poiret. The postman had just delivered a copy of the catalogue from the Met’s show in which there is a lovely dedication to Francoise.
My day in the life was being documented for an article that will appear in Travel & Leisure magazine.One of my stops was a visit to Rag Time. I might add that Ragtime is a great source for inspiration to designers both in Paris and abroad. Below is an image of Francoise showing me the catalogue from her Poiret exhibit and the catalogue from the Poiret show currently in NYC at the Metropolitan museum.
It is not possible to go to Rag TIme and not to get totally into the shopping experience. I too have tried on the most unexpected treasures. Here is the Travel & Leisure journalist, Alexandra Marshall falling in love with a leopard hat. How she walked out of the shop without it, I don’t know. It clearly has her name on it.
Rag Time 23 rue de l’Echaude 75006 Paris +33(0)145 77 80 28