Dear Shaded Viewers,
THere was just enough time for a tea before going to the first show. Robb was really happy to run into his good friend. She is the consultant for Aza, one of the best multi brand shops in Delhi which stocks Indian designers.
Double trouble in Delhi
After the first show of the day Robb Young and I decided to check out the stands at the Wills Fashion Week trade show and then visit the old part of town.
The reason that RObb Young and I were invited to Wills Fashion Week in the beginning was because of designer Gaurav Gupta. We met him when we were all on the jury for Mittelmoda in Italy. The first time he asked us we could not go because of Moscow. The second time, I forgot to get my visa and this time I was sick as can be. Robb went and brings a few images back for you to see.
Front row at Gaurav Gupta
Gaurav Gupta
Accessories by Anandita
We had lunch and I thought that I was going to die, I must have bit into an albino chilli pepper.
If we should be invited again to attend Wills Fashion Week we would request to stay at the Imperial Palace Hotel. This is where Waris stayed and where I stayed with Anna Sui about 20 years ago.