Dear Shaded Viewers,
– self portrait (the picture was taken in Munich last july visiting the Nymphenburg porcelain factory)
For the past few months Beniamino Lodovico Marini has been illustrating articles on ASVONF, I though that you might be interested in knowing who he is. As a child Beniamino had the habit of talking while drawing. He used to like to make voices for his characters creating his own little Italian soap operas.
– giovanna is a friend of mine who loves giraffes, I did the drawing for her just born daughter
Not feeling satisfied with being a creative director / free lance writer, Beniamino decided that in order to separate him self from the rest of the Milan press ‘jungle’ he needed to do something extra and that was to put his talent of illustration into practice. His first job was for the Italian Supplement of Le Monde. Prior to that he produced theatre and worked in the press.