Three as Four in Paris and I think that I’ve finally found the bag that I’ve been dreaming of

Dear Shaded Viewers,

Last night I received a call from Gaby of Three as Four. I’d been trying to track down their showroom and finally I found it on my birthday that was when I still had the driver, but alas, no phone number so when I arrived no one was there. I gave a call to Julien Bertic, Villa Moda, and we went over there together last night.

It’s a pleasure to watch their progress over the years. They spent one year working on a new digital technique to produce their futuristic and other worldly print. Gaby said, that it was the printed fabric that actually told them how to design the collection. The shapes are super easy to wear and to understand.
I also finally found the bag that I’ve been searching for. My Maison Martin Margiela zippered bag that I love so much has been deconstructing for the past year and even though MMM is the king of deconstruction it’s gone too far even for me. I’ve been waiting for over a year for the Diane bag designed for me by Dognin but it could be anothre year before I even see it as it is still on the drawing board and I need a bag now. My taste is quite particular and I’ve never found exactly what i was looking for. I like a bag that is around me but that I don’t have to hold. This one is Gaby’s, it looks a bit like boxing gloves with a hint of S&M. Of course I still need another one for the computer, camera and the rest of my life.
Earlier in the day I was photographed for a Finnish magazine and after the shot I decided to check out Mario Canal’s Passage Souterrain Gallery. He showed you the outside yesterday, here is the inside.



Diane Pernet

A LEGENDARY FIGURE IN FASHION and a pioneer of blogging, Diane is a respected journalist, critic, curator and talent-hunter based in Paris. During her prolific career, she designed her own successful brand in New York, costume designer, photographer, and filmmaker.