Dear Shaded Viewers,
I wish that I could be posting some images for you but you will have to wait until I get back to Paris and do a resume of the trip. I’ve spent a magical day today with my ol" friend David Norbury. We’ve been to China twice, little Mexico in LA and back to his terrace by the pool for lunch. In a few hours I will be leaving for a dinner organized for me by Cameron Silver, Decades and Jeff. It started out as a dinner for 6 but has grown to 19 . There used to be a tv show in the states called ‘This is Your Life’ where everyone from your past suddenly appeared in one room. It feels a little like that for me. So many New Yorkers have settled in LA and even though I don’t know LA it feels like I am at home here. I’m having a wonderful time staying with my friend Cherry Vanilla in her amazing apartment on Hollywood Blvd. Her apartment used to belong to the Hollywood star, Tyrone Power. My plan today was to take a short flight on my friend Brian Beker’s beautiful small plane but my schedule got thrown a bit off and that never happened.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Zowie from Boudicca. You are on my mind and wrapped around my shoulders. xxxx
Later, Diane
This is a funny story, David just pulled out of his driveway to take me back to Cherry’s and Sally Kellerman (Mash, Pret a Porter, etc.)was there running with her dog . David says hi to her and she says hi back, I did not take out my camera as it would have been really inappropriate and then David tells her that she and I acted in a film bit was playing myself sitting in the front row at two of the fashion shows. She asked whitch film and he said Pret a Porter by Robert Altman. I tell her it was a little part, I was just playing myself in it and she said: “Honey, we’re all just playing a role.” That was a very Hollywood moment.