SPACE TIME head-wear by Dinu Bodiciu performed by Becca D’Bus

SPACE TIME; A collaboration between Dinu Bodiciu and Singaporean performer Becca D’Bus instigates a non-restrictive visual narrative and introspection into a surreal world.
















These days we’re all familiar with theories arguing whether Space and Time coexist, that one implies the other. What if we’re able to delve into the substance of Space-Time so deeply that we can perceive materiality itself ? …….although we’re made out of it?……. just imagine, like in a SciFi movie……..what colours and lights compose these infinitesimal units of existence transcending dimensions? Are they shared by various parallel universes? How do these universes manifest themselves?


We like to dream and to imagine, to give up on the restraints inherited or learned since our first days as humans inside this universe, on this planet, as entities temporally caught up in our one-temporal-dimension: the present.


The Space/Time series is inspired by identity formation, expressed through the language of fashion and performance. Regardless how casual or extreme this interaction may seem, all of it is the product of everyday life experiences, social and cultural contexts. The intensity of this act is determined by our individual filters of understanding and permissiveness.


The five-photographs-beauty-series attempts to create various characters by taking fashion artifacts (headpieces by Dinu Boddiciu) as identity generators. In these circumstances we witness a reverse process rather than a natural development of bodily accessory-isation, where items are added one by one onto the body as embellishments; for now, the head-pieces are “the body” and the human body becomes “the accessory”.

Head-pieces and “staging”: Dinu Bodiciu, Model, performer and make-up artist: Becca D’Bus

Alexandra Murray-Leslie

Alex is an artistic researcher and co-founder of the art band Chicks on Speed. She is currently Professor, Trondheim Academy of Fine Art, Norwegian University of Science and Technology and Honorary Industry Fellow, Faculty of Design, Architecture and Building, University of Technology Sydney.