The Ironic View Shop – a short interview with the photographer/filmmaker Monica Menez

Dear Shaded Viewers,

Monica Menez’s films have been featured and awarded at many ASVOFF editions. I had a chat with her about The Ironic View Shop that is opening at the Museum of Baden-W urttemberg next week.

DP: When did you get the idea for the temporary pop up in the Museum of Baden-W urttemberg?

MM: For some time now I have been planning a project called “The Ironic View”. It is a mixture of film production, store and creative playground, to be able to try out new things detached from my work as “Monica Menez”. When I got the offer from the federal state museum in the course of the big “Fashion? exhibition of the museum for a period of two weeks to take over the Pop-Up-Store, this was the opportunity to start with “The Ironic View”.

Next Monday I will open my Pop-Up-Store in Stuttgart. Since all bigger events like an opening event and further vernissages/screenings Corona were cancelled due to circumstances, I thought about an alternative concept for the store. On the one hand I use it as a gallery and show some of my latest pictures.

I will complement the events with regular talks (in German language) streamed online on Instagram. To the title “Monica Menez meets…” I invite various guests who will talk with me about fashion / photography / film. These guests have already accepted:

DP: What will we find there, I know an exhibition, what will it be?

MM: I will sell signed prints. A booklet is still in progress. In one area of the store I will set up a small studio where I will photograph free projects and publish them on Instagram Stories.

DP: What will go on in the Photostudio?

MM: Visitors can also have their portraits taken by appointment. According to the motto “Be your own work of art” the guest will be photographed in a special way and the pictures will be exhibited on 5.12. at the finissage.

DP: What are the talks about?

MM: I will complement the events with regular talks (in German language) streamed online on Instagram. To the title “Monica Menez meets…” I invite various guests who will talk with me about fashion / photography / film.

These guests have already accepted:

Marlena Podolsak – Dancer and artist Thomas Lempertz

I will dedicate a whole day to my new film “Business as Usual”. There is also a talk and video streaming.









Diane Pernet

A LEGENDARY FIGURE IN FASHION and a pioneer of blogging, Diane is a respected journalist, critic, curator and talent-hunter based in Paris. During her prolific career, she designed her own successful brand in New York, costume designer, photographer, and filmmaker.