Dear Shaded Viewers,
I had so much fun watching the live stream of Michelle Elie on Instagram while she was at Arise Fashion Week in Lagos, Nigeria. I was delighted to see she was going crazy over the collection of ARTC aka Artsi Ifrah. I met Artsi in Paris a few years ago when he was showing me his collection in his hotel room at Grand Amour. Artsi makes one of a kind pieces out of his shop Maison ARTC in Marrakesh. The images above are from Maison ARTC in Marrakesh. He is leaving Morocco in a few days for Tokyo and his new shop opening.
Credits for the pictures:
Ethiopia collection, Mous Lamrabat
Maison ARTC shop, Laila Hida
Piece of a mind work, self iphone portraits wearing his pieces, Artsi Ifrah.