General Tarotscope for the Week of March 3rd

Takashi Murakami

General Tarotscope for the Week of March 3rd

By Sameer Reddy, to schedule a Tarot Reading or Transformance Coaching and Healing session, visit

What are you holding on to that does not serve you? This week’s energy brings an early Spring cleaning, offering an opportunity to find more emotional balance and ease of motion. Straining to overcome life’s challenges just gets you more entangled in their web – finding a way through requires a much lighter approach, free from pointless tension. So instead of wrestling with your difficulties, try to let go of them. You might be surprised at what falls away with so little effort. Pay special attention to the areas in your life where you feel short-changed. Clearing out stale disappointments from your emotional storage locker will create space for that dream you are determined to birth, and allow you to see the finish line more clearly. It might still be a bit in the distance but you have passed the halfway marker and that is something to celebrate!