Dear Shaded Viewers,

I attended the 3rd edition of Fashion Talks at Waagnatie in Antwerp, which included critically acclaimed and prestigious speakers this year, such as Dries Van Noten, Geert Bruloot, Tommy Ton and Bruno Pieters. The event gathered fashion professionals from all around the globe and even though the actual talks were not as groundbreaking or innovative as they had been during previous editions, they pushed you to think further about the future of the industry and fresh alternatives for designers now. During his chat with Jessica Michault, street style photographer Tommy Ton came across as humble, realistic and kind, despite being aware of his own success within the industry. It was interesting to see how he was active in his field while remaining critical of it, something you wouldn’t necessarily expect from such an influential figure. The last talk and highlight of the day was Vanessa Friedman’s interview of Dries Van Noten, who was honored by the Belgian monarchy this year with the title of Baron, underlining the importance of his contribution to Belgium. Dries is an emblematic and deeply inspiring figure within an unstable fashion landscape, a hardworking and modest man who stuck to his guns and believed in his own vision. After all these years in fashion, he still has the same passion and dedication for his craft and knew how to communicate this to the audience. That was enough to keep everyone in the room smiling.



Philippe Pourhashemi

A freelance fashion writer, consultant and stylist, Philippe Pourhashemi was born in Tehran in 1976. He grew up in Paris, before moving to Scotland to study Foreign Languages. His passions are fashion and culture, as well as music and film. He writes and styles features for Metal in Barcelona, Behind the Blinds in Brussels, Contributor in Stockholm, Veoir in New York and SKP in Beijing. He was named Fucking Young's Editor-at-Large in 2016 and has contributed to ASVOF since 2008, acting as Correspondent-at-Large since 2012. An avid traveler, he likes to explore exotic fashion weeks and unexpected destinations whenever he can.