A preview of Antonio Contreras’ exhibition Deep in Vogue at LJIFFF


Dear Shaded Viewers,

As a young Antonio, I used to spend my money from my first job, buying Details magazine, Collezioni, The Face…today I look at them as a necessity to understand what style and fashion really is, there is something cruel and authentic about that era in NYC, those magazines defined who I am today.

When I created the comic “Max Vogue” a brilliant time traveling fashion detective who can be moody and angst ridden at times, I wanted Max to visit NYC in the 80s-90s and hang out with iconic and legendary people who defined the era, Andy Warhol, Divine, Keith Haring, Diana Vreeland, Debbie Harry, Jean Michel Baquiat, Patrick Kelly, Halston, Gia and Diane Pernet also paying homage to the places that gave birth to these movements like Danceteria,  Limelight, Roxy, Mars, Area, Save the Robots, Michael Todd Room and Paradise Garage.

I will have a special presentation on Max Vogue at the 8th LJIFFF and I will go over historical fashion figures and their place in current culture.


Antonio Contreras

Diane Pernet

A LEGENDARY FIGURE IN FASHION and a pioneer of blogging, Diane is a respected journalist, critic, curator and talent-hunter based in Paris. During her prolific career, she designed her own successful brand in New York, costume designer, photographer, and filmmaker.