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INTERVIEW – I was introduced to Diane Pernet by our mutual friend Laura Albert who thought we would hit it off. We did. Pernet lives in Paris where she runs A Shaded View on Fashion, a fashion blog, the first of its kind really.Pernet also founded A Shaded View On Fashion Film, the first annual festival about fashion films. The submission deadline is the 30th of September if you wish to participate. Let’s now discover Pernet’s ultimate movie list.
The movie that defined your childhood: Les Enfants du Paradis by Michael Carne. It was such a magical love story of a beautiful courtesan and the four men that loved her. I dreamed of having the mime, Jean-Louis Barrault, sitting on the edge of my bed. It is a period piece, a beautiful love story and of course Arletty left quite an impression on me but I guess the real attraction was Jean-Louis Barrault.
The movie that inspires you to be a better person: Suddenly Last Summer. I know it seems like a strange choice but when you see how evil the Katherine Hepburn character was you know that you for sure never want to be as ugly a human being as that. Elizabeth Taylor really had to suffer because of her jealousy and decision to never face the truth.
The movie you think is way too overrated: Before Midnight by Richard Linkletter I just found this movie totally boring.
The movie you think is underrated: Spider by Cronenberg. Dennis “Spider” Cleg played by Ralph Fiennes was a study of a schizophrenic and the dark and haunted mind. Damaged from his childhood because of his abusive father. There was a scene I’ll never forget when ‘Spider’ is at the breakfast table in the half way house run by Lynn Redgrave and he comes to the table wearing all of his seven shirts and she asks him why he is wearing all of them and one of his fellow residents says, “the less there is of the man the more he needs the clothes.”
The movie that makes you really laugh: Zoolander by Ben Stiller. I could not stop laughing through the entire film I thought it was one of the best fashion films. Ben Stiller as a male model with his Blue Steel look was priceless.
The movie that gets on your nerves: Midnight In Paris by Woody Allen. Normally I like Woody Allen, I always see all of his movies and some are fantastic but this was so cliché .
The movie with the best soundtrack: The Virgin Suicides. AIR’s music was so coherent with the mood of the film and Exotica by Adam Egoyan the music composed by Mychael Danna was so kind of creepy and then the song Everybody Knows with the character Cristina dancing to the voice of Leonard Cohen, I loved it all, dark, strange and atmospheric.
The actor/actress you have an unconditional love for: Dirk Bogarde. He has such a range and his characters are unforgettable like The Servant, Night Porter, and of course Death in Venice. And Jake Gyllenhaal I first noticed him in Donnie Darko and then followed his career. I loved him in Nightcrawler, Southpaw, and cannot wait to see him in Nocturnal Animals.
The actor/actress who can ruin a film for you: Keanu Reeves. I’ve seen him in a handful of films and I think his acting is quite bland and I never see what exactly he is bringing to the part.
The director with a perfect filmography : Stanley Kubrick. He is a master with a great range from Clockwork Orange, The Shining, Barry Lyndon, Eyes Wide Shut and of course 2001 Space Odyssey.
The movie you wish you had created the wardrobe for: Martha by Rainer Werner Fassbinder. Fassbinder is one of my favorite directors and I just think that I would have had so much fun creating the characters but I know , of course, that he was a monster to work with.
The horror movie that still terrifies you: The Shining. Chilling. The scene of the twins wheeling down the corridor, the bathroom, and of course the typewriter…. Excellent.
The best love story of cinema: La Belle et La Bête by Jean Cocteau. Let’s just say I was very disappointed when he turned into a prince. I thought La Bête was so romantic with his manner and his rose garden. I loved the scene where he drank water from her hands. Swept Away by Lina Wertmuller was another kind of love story, more about passion of two opposites stranded on the beach.
The most erotic film: The Night Porter by Illiana Cavani. Again what a combination. Dirk Bogarde and Charlotte Rampling, cold and chilling but so intensely erotic that the costumes continue to inspire designers even now.
The movie with the best fashion style: Death In Venice by Luchino Visconti. The look of Tadizo still resonates and Silvana Mangano in the period pieces simply took my breath away. Of course the scene with Dirk Bogarde on the beach in his white suit watching his obsession, Tadizo and the black dye from his hair dripping down his face was heart breaking.