Dear Shaded Viewers, "A common friend introduced us, the singer Cerhen, for whom I created the cover art for her first tzigane (gypsy) album. She thought we shared a common universe of interests, centred around such themes as diverse as funerary art, surrealism and even shamanism. When I discovered Cosmo’s artwork, I first had a visual shock. One could imagine a chimera behind each of his sculptures, created from collected animal bones…They recalled for me the photos of Joel-Peter Witkin, at least in their morbidity. Among Cosmo’s latest creations, I was blown away by the esoteric beauty of his scepters, each of them seemingly possessed of magical properties. Cosmo taught me that contrary to the sword, his ornamental baton could be perceived as a symbol of peace. I formerly arrived at a slightly similar theme in a portfolio called Sacr
Cosmo Gonik text and artwork by Samuel Guerrier
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