Dear Shaded Viewers,
While most of Paris is on holiday…ASVOFF is busy working on edition 7. The new team – Emmanuel Pierre and Juan Enrique Villarreal are not on holiday, they are motivated and they are working through August. Mr. Be To See himself, Michael Hadida was there with his beautiful black bike, he always makes me smile. You should see him stand on his head with the morning yoga. The whole Be To See team meets at 8h30 am and starts their day that way. Follow him on instagram if you want to be inspired. We figured out today that we know each other at least ten years, we met on a press trip in Bangkok organized by Showroom Romeo…a fun trip, Robin Meason was there too. Akiko Hamaoka stopped by when she finished work, she is literally around the corner from Headquarters. I had a photo shoot in the courtyard with Yves Bady-Dahdah and to be honest, I'm still a bit jet lagged, and I guess it is obvious, I look pretty tired but I wanted to show you the new team.