COAL – short film (Director's Cut) from Dunderland Filmkompani on Vimeo.
Dear Shaded Viewers,
ACF is a project that puts selected creatives from cities around the world together to create an essential travel pack. THe way it works is each creative brings a piece to the table that compliments the other pieces and vice versa. ART COMES FIRST will be presenting this collaboration at Pitti Uomo Firenze.
Sam Lambert and Shaka Maidoh: Shirts and shoes
LOTHO: Glasses: Aroun Ducroux:
SUPER DUPER HATS: Hats: Matteo Gioli :
Kalaf Angelo: text for book BURAKA SOM SISTEMA Google kalaf angelo
sebastian dollinger: ETON SHIRTS
Love the quotes from the film:
"People travel to far away places to watch in fascination the kind of people they ignore at home."
It's something I always think about.
"Keep your head covered and yourmind open."
Winners of the Designer of the year 2012 N