Louda and Gilles Larrain, “The Birth Of Fashion Revisited”


Dear Shaded Viewers,


Last January, Louda and Gilles Larrain went to Kauai for an exhibition at the "galerie 103" and to do a fashion show with all the usual artifices but after just a few days of diving deeply into the abundant and lustrous nature that conquers every inch of the ground and penetrates every pore of your body, all the treasures of urban life felt irrelevant and totally out of place.

Beautiful Avatar-like trees, majestic ocean, albatrosses flying over your head and baby whales breaching through waves made the hemline seem to be of less vital importance.


For three weeks Gilles and Louda  traveled the island meeting people who generously offered their time and their bodies toward foliage-design experimentations.

Talented local artists graciously helped Louda and Gilles Larrain build 16 "fresh" outfits in just six hours.

Gallery owner, and an artist herself, Bruna Stude came up with the idea of doing a workshop with the children of the island to encourage them to create a couture garment and model it before the main show…

…And here is the result!




PS: Louda and Gilles Larrain have extended footage of the making of "The Birth Of Fashion Revisited" that is being worked into a documentary that they would like to continue – "foliage couture"experiment and they are open to propositions and looking forward to future collaborations with botanical gardens, tropical resorts, flower stores and individuals.

Louda Larrain



Diane Pernet

A LEGENDARY FIGURE IN FASHION and a pioneer of blogging, Diane is a respected journalist, critic, curator and talent-hunter based in Paris. During her prolific career, she designed her own successful brand in New York, costume designer, photographer, and filmmaker.