The Sustainable Fashion Handbook has images and interviews from leading ethically conscious designers such as Stella McCartney and Vivienne Westwood. The book will be published 1 November. The book is a reflection on the ethical overhaul of the last decade where designers and businesses are assuming the responsibility for their impact on both the environment and the source from which they obtain their products.
The book claims to be more comprehensive than any previous publication on this topic. It is divided into 5 main thematic chapters: fashion cultures from high street to blogosphere to couture; design and innovation, the industry's life-blood; the fashion business, employer of up to 40 million people worldwide; the system's eco-footprint; and outlooks for the future and the role of technology in greening fashion.
The author, Sandy Black is a Professor of Fashion and Textile Design and Technology at the Centre for Sustainable Fashion, London College of Fashion, University of the Arts London.