Husam El Odeh, an interview. by Silvia Bombardini


Dear Shaded Viewers and Diane,

From his London headquarters, Husam El Odeh has patiently been feeding the fashion world with dainty spoonfuls of crystals and golden wit. Here, he told me about intimacy, uselessness and freedom, the sensibility and balance of gold ad his new, mouth-watering fine jewellery line.


S.B.: A pure and controlled German aesthetic, some British irony and intuition, the exotic, sandy scents of Palestine and unique beauty of Lebanon's basal sandstones. In which ways if any, do you reckon your rich cultural background could be perceived, perhaps unconsciously, in your intimate and suggestive jewellery?

H.E.O.: I am never sure what to say about this, I suppose the one thing that you get when you grow up with a mixed background is that it opens a few multiple viewpoints on things, even in how you think