Dear Shaded Viewers and Diane,
Stephan Schneider's inspiration for fall 2012 was found in carpets: spiced by fading accents of burnt umber and rust, juniper and olive green, meticulously refined by orientally flavored modular arabesques. And yet, far from being ethnic, his collection featured pieces of an highly linear appeal, where a truly sublime skill with patterns allowed him to achieve fitting, comfortable but ever delicate thoughtful garments. His carpets of choice were in fact those laying invitingly over Sigmund Freud's illustrious couch, whispering of intimate confessions and prayers, and dearly concealed secrets patiently waved between their yearns. Their beautiful patterns would hide underneath layers of raincoats or warm knitwear, in silky linings or on the fabric's reverse, ready to be peeled off when we would like them to, in order to reveal unexpected, precious hidden treasures, as so often in fact, carpets wisely do.
You can visit Stephan's showroom up until March 6: 16 Rue de Montmorency, 75003 Paris.