Barcelona DAY 2: 1st day of ASVOFF Barcelona by Akiko Hamaoka

Dear Shaded Viewers,

There was so much going on yesterday starting from 11:00am. As my camera was not charged somehow, all my photos today are by my iPhone. Please forgive me if some photos are out of focus…

The day started with the interview at the roof top.


While Diane was interviewed – there were many high school kids around and they wanted to take photo together with Diane (Even with me! I guess the asian people here is not too common yet) even they did not know who Diane was.



Mahala was interviewed by TV station too.


Before the conference started, we found the first ASVOFF bag!

Alex Murray-Leslie, Co-director of ASOVFF Barcelona and Diane

In ASVOFF bag, you find a free beer ticket and a small button badge of ASVOFF Barcelona x San Miguel.

The press conference was very professional with simultaneous interpretation.


Diane was the first one to arrive at the venue.


The simultaneous interpreter was asking Diane what is ASVOFF – his interpretation was excellent – and funny too.

The press conference started around 12:15 – I find that the things here are pretty punctual.

From the left – Charo Mora – the curator for Carte Blanche "Narraciones", Raimond Blasi from Barcelona City Council, Diane, Valent