Dear Shaded Viewers:

There is a rumor about the imminent return of Miguel Adrover to the catwalks…

Coincidence or not, a documentary about the Spanish designer was recently presented during the last edition of the Zurich Film Festival.

Directed by Regine Lettner and shot on location in Majorca, New York, Egypt, Turkey and Butzbach (Germany), features testimonies by Suzy Menkes, Harold Koda, and Marylou Luther as well as Eric Daman, Mei Zou or Jennifer Rossi (who worked with Miguel during the first years of his career).

Adrover has been working for Hessnatur during the last 5 years.


Miguel and his personal assistant, Georgina Ordinas (wearing a dress from FW2001), attended the premier of the documentary.

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Once in Majorca, she invited me to visit the studio of this genuine designer…

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…where I had the chance to discover the neverending archives of Miguel…

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…and take some furtive photos of some of the most legendary pieces.

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Images, objects and weird creatures create a magic atmosphere during my visit.

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After the adventure, I met Marcos and Lucas, who work at Es Ja