Why when I asked you to choose a place where we can do the interview did you chose the Linate Airport? Is it your ideal living place?
Linate airport is a place linked with my recent life and with my future as well. It's an urban non -place , where distances and time are violently accelerated. But it's also, without any doubt , an emotional place, made of check-in queues at dawn, moments on stand by and, most of all, expectations. It's a real place, an architecture where the most different actions are collected together : there are people travelling, working , rushing, having meals, waiting, talking on the phone , sometimes taking a rest. There's no frequent- flyer frequent enough not to catch this place's complexity and I find it fascinating. It's a place of intimacy and a public place space as well. It's a smart place.
Could you tell me about your background?
I was born and educated in Italy. I spent my childhood in a small town, then I moved to Milan and I graduated from Politiecnico di Milano in Landscape Architechture. As an architect I worked for a few years in Milan, until I took off , from a runway you can see over there , to Paris; I've been living there for more than four years, splitting my work between several offices and some freelance commissions. I found interior design was the good scale for my practice and during the last years I have dedicated my life to my freelance projects. One year ago I landed again on the same runway, and one more time the familiar door gate 8 opened.
Do you feel free with your work? What makes you feel free?
Working with space, without the pretention of giving an eternal or perfect interpretation of it , makes my job free beacuse it's ephemeral , although very concrete. I think it's important to leave the place for mistakes, beacuse sometimes errors become unexpected proposals. Often, you have to leave space for the void as well . And of course you need to have a good sense of humor.While describing my clients the project I'm working on , I often define some of my choices as "funny".
Fabio Ferrillo's last project in Paris
Could you describe your last project in Paris?
I recently designed an apartment of only 34 sqm; a limited space, but complet, efficient, contemporary,in the context of a nineteen-century building.I chose to respect the French division spaces, between salle d'eau and toilettes, designing a small place only dedicated to wellness, directly linked to the bedroom by a simple built- in wardrobe that blends with the room 's walls; I just saved the stucchi on the ceilings and restored the ancient wood floor, but I designed the interiors in a contemporary way, using white surfaces and sliding doors, and recovering for salle d'eau the same tiles in the Saint Maur m