workshop Carrozzini
Dear Shaded Viewers,
An exhibition is planned next week in Florence for Pitti with the IUAV Degree Course in Fashion Design :: STUDIES IN FASHION DESIGN ::Firenze, 16-17 June 2010. The exhibition will take place from 10 am to 8 pm at the Centro Montedomini , via dei Malcontenti 10, Florence. Students of the Degree Course in Fashion Design are directed by Maria Luisa Frisa at the Faculty of Design and Arts of IUAV University, Venice. The course has students making a collection that employs different instruments and languages that reflect fashion as a cultural system. There will be a double installation reflecting two of the laboratories held in the final year of studies. One is the Study 1:: foulard, variations on a theme and the teacher of the Dress design lab is Cesare Fabbri. The other is Study 2:: street shooting, fashion landscapes and this fashion photography workshop is taught by Francesco Carrozzini, a photographer/filmmaker, who by the way had a great film, BLINK, in the first edition of ASVOFF.
workshop Carrozzini
Studies in Fashion Design is curated by Mario Lupano who looks at the exhibition as a statement on the cultural and designing actions that define the Italian school of fashion today.