NYC Photo Journalist Walt Cessna will be signing copies of his first book of photography at his same named showing of new digital work FUKT 2 START WIT. Featuring a melange of downtown Manhattan's rising performance arists and other assorted uber creative and multi-talented souls to boot: Sequinette, Paul Alexander, Nicholas Gorham, Dominic Cloutier, Muffinhead, Solomon Eversole, Darlinda Just Darlinda, Linda James, Farrad, Will spangenberg, Max Steele, Candi shell, Giselle Xtraveganza, Mahogany, Joe Birdsong, Pierrot, Ethan Shoshan, Peaches Velour & Sheba Legend to name a few appear in the 500 copy limited edition and on the walls of LIVE FAST Gallery on February 19th from 6-10pm. Please follow link for RSVP and more info on the show & book.