BD reports on DREAM AMSTERDAM 2009 – Peter Funch

Dear Shaded Viewers,

the title of AMSTERDAM STORIES, Peter Funch (Denmark 1974) has created
art projects for DREAM AMSTERDAM. The series was shot on 15 locations
in Amsterdam over a period of six weeks. AMSTERDAM STORIES is an
artistic time document of how people live, work and play in Amsterdam.
The images show the diversity of Dutch society and focuses on human
relations and interaction within the urban city. Through repetition and
juxtaposition, Funch zooms in on human similarities and collective
behavior and creates a strange, poetic and detailed picture of our
presence as both individuals and community in the public sphere. His
uncanny works raises questions of reality versus fiction and challenges
our notion of photography as being a depiction of a certain moment in
time. The series follows Funch
