Dear Shaded Viewers,
I went straight from the airport to le Marais to meet my friends Graham and Miguel. They leave tomorrow for New York so we decided to lunch at cafe Marianne. Good food , the worst service imaginable. The waitress practically threw it at us. We felt a bit better when Shoji Fujii and Gaspard Yurkievich passed by and explained to us that they are like this with everyone.
I loved Miguel’s Vivienne Westwood shoes and Graham as a blond.
Shoji Fujii and Gaspard Yurkievich, two faces that we missed this year at Hyeres
Julien Bengel sent me a few photos from the exhibition preparations at Hyeres, I’ll send you more of my images later in the week.
Installing the Bless hammocks Looking in at the Lacroix and Viviane Sassen exhibits
Yajaira Palencia photos from Hyeres
Back stage after the last show at Hyeres with Ohta and Miguel and Graham.
Miguel’s one eyed doll and Miguel with his mom.
This is about how I feel right now.