Dear Shaded Viewers,
Beauty by Jorge Margolles
Please visit Jorge’s page on
As you know there are two competitions running at the moment, there is You Wear it Well 2 and the collaboration with, “You Wear it Well/Got a Minute?” The latter runs every month on and the best of the best will open You Wear it Well 2 in a special portfolio of 10 one minute films. You Wear it Well 2 is a travelling presentation of short films and videos regarding fashion, style and beauty from around the world. The second edition will debut in Los Angeles in August. For more on “You Wear it Well/Got a Minute?” click here .
In brief, one of our goals as curators was to organize a presentation of short films and videos that celebrated the and investigated the intersection of film and fashion, going beyond fashion’s familiar role of wardrobe and costume design for feature films. Our curatorial process was three-fold: 1) we sought out films that we had already seen and felt should be experienced by a larger audience in a proper theater setting; 2) we approached various filmmakers, fashion designers and artists whose work we admire and investigated if they had a film for us or if they’d be interested in making one for YOU WEAR IT WELL; and 3) through Diane’s Paris-based blog, A Shaded View on Fashion (, we conducted an open call for short films and videos from around the world, to see what was out there or what people would come up with. A small jury of fashion and film professionals chose the best of the submissions and they became part of film program. We wanted to align some of the bigger names in fashion and filmmaking with creative people as yet unrecognized for their craft, to inspire people to continue to make films that explore the film and fashion intersection.
Within the current edition of YOU WEAR IT WELL, some of the more notable submissions include: “Fashionation,” a beautifully illustrated A to Z history of fashion by Ruben Toledo; “Starring,” a whimsical and camp telenovela-like film by renegade designer, Jeremy Scott, whose cast includes Asia Argento, Tori Spelling, Lisa Marie and China Chow; Marcelo Krasilcic’s clip for the label “VPL,” starring Chloe Sevigny; a short film by Ridley and Jordan Scott for Prada, entitled “Thunder, Perfect Mind”; and “The Bridegroom Stripped Bare,” a rough-and-ready, yet artful transformation that takes place before your eyes, from the collaborative minds of star fashion photographer Nick Knight and the incredibly talented Alexander McQueen.
Today I received a submission from Jorge Margolles and wanted to share it with you.
A quote from the director, Jorge Margolles:
“In Spain we are living an incredible moment. The Tv just imports the rights of this TV program where you can change your aspect by doing plastic surgery, they don