Dear Shaded Viewers,
I have been in New Delhi for Wills Fashion Week for the past 2 days.
After a good nights sleep we had a briefing in the hotel in the morning. The first person that I saw was Manish Arora. Manish shows on schedule at London Fashion Week and we met for the first time last spring when a delegation of designers from India were invited to show their work at the festival d’Hyeres.
After Manish I saw Robin from Maria Luisa, our current iqon on IQONS.COM here he is with the buyers from the Bon Marche. None of them had their luggage when they arrived. It just came to them this morning.
Robin from Maria Luisa with the buyers from the Bon Marche, all without their luggage for 2 days
I was happy to see the photographers that shared the first prize at last years Hyeres festival, Jaap and Estelle.
Jaap and Estelle
As you probably already know there is now a Vogue India and Bandana Tewari is the features editor. We met at Fashion Fringe in London last season and I was looking forward to seeing her again.
I was happy to see Robb Young aka double trouble, for the start of the shows.
Malini Ramani opened Wills Fashion Week
After a swarm of photographers Robb, Robin and I went to the Ashok where we are staying and the new headquarters for Wills Fashion Week, and had a nice vegetarian lunch.
I ran into Manish again at the following show.