Dear Shaded Viewers,
I’ve known Satch for more than a decade we met when he was living in Paris, he moved to NYC some time ago. He was born in London, makes music, worked with Grace Jones, Stomu Yamashta, Louise Bourgeois in collaboration with Ramuntcho Matta and acted as a musicologist and commentator on “Music of Kenya,” as part of the BBC series “Music about Us.” Currently he is with “The Burnt Sugar Arkestra” New York where he plays the flute.
Considering his musical background it will come as no surprise that his sculptures/installations are accompanied by a sound element. THe music is always self composed/collage often of field recordings of ambient sounds or in the case of The Shrine (above) has 27 tweeter speakers imbedded in the facing wall omit the voices of the 27 brides. (These voices
were taken from a documentary made at SOBs club NYC whilst the women were
puting on their very elaborate make up) whilst simultaneously another
soundtrack can be heard from other speakers installed in the cylindical
sound capsule .