Dear Shaded Viewers,
For all fans of Bruce Benderson, he will be in New York and other cities, follow his book signing tour and enjoy meeting him in the flesh. John Waters is throwing him a celebration party. Wish that I could be there, but….I’m I don’t see Paris on the list, not yet anyway. I look forward to reading the book.
The Romanian: Story of an Obsession (Tarcher/Penquin)
7Pm, Thursday, February 2 The Chelsea Barnes & Noble, New York City 675 6th Ave. (between 21st and 22nd St.)
Enjoy the after-party hosted by John Waters and Blackbook Magazine.
Feb 2nd, 2006 at 9-11pm RSVP to
The party will follow Bruce Benderson’s 7pm reading/signing at the Chelsea Barnes and Noble.
Bruce Benderson was the first American to win the Prix de Flore, Paris’s most distinguished literary prize.
The book signing tour will then take him :
Feb 6th : Boston
7PM Calamus Bookstore, 92B South Street, Boston
Feb 10: Santa Barbara
7h30: Borders, 900 State Street, Santa Barbara
Feb 13: Los Angeles
7h30 A Different Light, 8853 Santa Monica Blvd. LA
Feb 16: San Francisco
7PM A Different Light, 489 Castro Street
Feb 18: Corte Madera
7PM: Book Passage, 51 Tamal Vista, Corte Madera
Feb 20: Eugene
7h30PM Borders, 5 Oakway Center, Eugene, OR
More dates later. Diane