Before ‘customised’ products could be found on the high street and even before the word made it into our slick collective fashion lexicon, Noki was ripping, printing, tagging, shredding, painting, cursing, meshing and mending. And though now posh kids driving Bentleys in Hong Kong wear the diluted mega brand spin off, JJ aka Noki carries on unphased from his studio in Brighton. Tonight was an intimate ‘trunk sale’ at the Dragon Bar as we’d call it in the biz — or jumble sale if you’re a bit less in tune with the trade press lingo. The elusive character himself–
JJ’s t’s are cred, legit, bona fide corporeal grafitti art. I do like his touch and even brought one of his first ‘collections’ to a show I presented eons ago in Tokyo featuring up and coming int’l designers. But that was a lifetime ago. Personally though, I’m not too big on streetwear so t-shirts hung on a bar wall don’t really tickle my fancy.
Instead, I decided to grab the two sexiest lady-guests in the joint (ok, they’re my mates) and do an impromptu look book for our JJ. Here’s a few shots of my muse Carri Mundane and London’s livewire Namalee Bolle —